Zika In 2017

The Zika virus has been around since the late 1940s. Researchers first identified it in Uganda’s monkey population. In 1952, scientists discovered it in humans. Over time, the virus has made its way into other countries including the United States. The virus causes a range of symptoms as well as several ailments. People mainly contract…

Common Breeding Grounds for Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are much more than annoying and itch-inducing pests that make picnics, camp fires and other outdoor activities uncomfortable. They can carry diseases that are harmful to children, adults, pets and livestock. Just a few diseases that can be contracted through a mosquito bite include yellow fever, encephalitis, malaria and the Zika virus. There are…

Research to Help Honeybees

Honeybees are incredibly important to our ecosystem, and in recent years it has been discovered just how devastating the impact of pesticides has been on the bee population. Without pollinators like bees, humans wouldn’t be able to produce the crops we need, so it’s important to find a way to both protect the food humans…