Tips on How To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Next Outdoor Event

Have you ever attended an outdoor summer event, like a wedding or a birthday celebration, and ended up covered in mosquito bites? Were you constantly shooing them away? We’re certain you have had this experience before. Doesn’t seem like a good time, does it? However, there is one positive side to this awful experience: you…

Symptoms Of An Infected Mosquito Bite

Mosquitoes can transmit diseases including Zika, Yellow Fever, Malaria, and the Chikungunya Virus, and we could become infected as a result. So, how can you tell if the mosquito that bit you was carrying one of these diseases and if you were infected as a result of its bite? Let’s find out! What Are The…

Beware of Ticks Warning Sign

Ticks: Tips to Keep You Safe Outdoors

It’s always important to be tick-aware and to take appropriate precautions when exploring outside. Traditionally, experts think of peak tick season starting in May, running through July, with a smaller peak in activity that can occur around October. Unfortunately, the truth is that you can get tick-borne illnesses at any point in the year, as…